Featured Email Vendors:

 eDataSource is the premier source of email deliverability technology and performance insights. Founded in 2003 as the industry's first email intelligence company, eDataSource pioneered the use of live consumer inboxes to analyze email success m...
Webbula’s Multi-Method Email Hygiene services goes beyond a simple Verification Bounce Check, by identifying harmful active emails such as spam traps, honeypots, malicious moles, fraudulent emails, and other threats that traditional verification just...
TowerData  is an email data technology company that powers data hygiene, identity, know-your-customer, and fraud prevention solutions for businesses worldwide. Founded in 2001, the industry's leading identity companies rely on us thanks to the d...

iPost GRADIENT smalliPost is a modern data and omni-channel messaging platform built by marketers for marketers. We built a platform designed to solve the data, personalization and automation problems marketers have faced for well over a decade.  What sets iPost apart is how our technology and partner ecosystems help manage data, content, commerce, personalization and customer experiences across email, mobile and the web. We built iPost to support the shifting customer needs of hundreds of clients in Retail, Hospitality, Travel, Food and Beverage, and Gaming industries.