By Jenna Tiffany on Wednesday, 29 May 2019
Category: Email Strategy

Tiffany: Artificial Intelligence in Email Marketing

2017 was probably AI’s breakout year in email marketing. It's from then on that I started to witness the results that AI can bring to the channel primarily when used in combination with Machine Learning and Automation.

Change has been rapid and ongoing since then, and it doesn’t look like slowing down any time soon. So, what’s the current state of play? How is it affecting the way we market? And how are things shaping up for the future? Here are my thoughts on AI in email marketing:

The basics:

We’re all seasoned professionals here, but there is often a misconception about what Artificial Intelligence is so here’s a definition from Oxford Dictionary:

'The theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.'

Think predictive customer services, when you know when and a why a customer is contacting your business, and for email marketing, it's the ability to automatically customize email content based on the individual recipient’s behavior.

Most people picture AI as robots taking over. AI is not here to be scary, and I'm going to share how other businesses have used AI successfully to optimize email marketing activity. It’s important to remember the facts before we fear for our jobs:

Source: Gartner 2018

We're able to collect now a vast amount of data about subscribers (provided consent has been given), and AI enables us as marketers to harness that data. I'm a particular fan of how Gartner describes the relationship between Humans and Machines as being symbiotic, one cannot work without the other.

The key benefit of AI is that it enables us to personalize at scale.

But to personalize and tailor messages at scale, we’d need contextual data on thousands or millions of people. Then, we’d need to analyze this data and use it to create the right communications for each person.

Humans don’t have the time, resources, or intellectual bandwidth to do this. But AI systems do.

That’s why more and more companies are turning to AI as the solution to creating advertising relevance at scale.

However, it’s worth setting the scene for what’s upcoming by briefly running through the main areas in which AI is currently being used in email marketing:

Dominoes is a brand that did precisely this. 7 years ago, the brand admitted to the world that their product wasn't very good. So naturally, the company re-invented itself. However, new competitors were also taking market share. Their challenge was to increase customer engagement while staying on brand & keep hundreds of franchisees happy. For email, this meant that they needed to remain relevant, reinforce its brand and ensure that they maintained the engagement of subscribers as much as possible. Provided by my phriends at Phrasee, are the individual subject lines they tested:

The very top subject line was the winner and created by the AI tool. Subjects 1-6 were AI generated. Subject line 7 was the human subject line. This may look like small numbers in terms of an extra 5% but for Dominoes that thousands of more openers. For the sceptics amongst you, it's not only driving more opens but also revenue. In only two months, Dominos generated the following:

And this isn’t a one-off case, I’ve witnessed the same for clients. Phrasee also have several case studies on their website detailing the same amazing results as well as the other AI providers available.


Okay so that's quite a lot of detail about AI in subject lines, here are some of the other areas AI is being used:

What does this mean for marketers and their customers?

Running an eye over the above, it quickly becomes apparent that AI has very rapidly made itself indispensable to the world of email marketing. Those who have embraced automation and AI are reaping the benefits, seeing a significant uptick in opens, clicks, revenue, and revelling in the heightened exposure of AI optimized content. Those who haven't are struggling to compete with their more digitally advanced competitors.

We're in the midst of what's being called an 'AI Revolution'. And the thing about revolutions is that they bring inescapable changes with them. In the space of a few short years, we've hit that revolutionary tipping point. If you're a company of a specific size, you can no longer choose whether or not to adopt AI in your email marketing. You have to have it, or your emails will sink into the dregs of the inbox. But that's not to say it's just an advancement in the email space, it is also a huge mindset change for your organization. The technology needs to be embraced, and of course, it can be challenged, but at times, there is a tendency to shape it. You need to give it free rein to test and learn without the fear it is going to replace you. Remember, as explained at the beginning of this article, the machine needs us as much as we need the machine.

Here are just a few of how AIs are making themselves an email marketing necessity:

Speaking of the near future…

What can we expect in the future?

Well, as always, it’s tricky to predict the future (but I think I can say with confidence that the future belongs to email marketers who are willing to go big with AI. Further AI integration is inevitable, so we may as well embrace it. If we do it right, the potential could be huge. Here are some of the most exciting areas in which I think that AI could really transform the way that we marketers utilize email as a format and as a channel:

All in all, the future belongs to marketers who embrace AI. Which is a scary thing for some of us? We humans have a strange tendency to assign personality and motives where they don’t necessarily exist.

AIs don't have motives, and they aren't competing with us. Alexa may 'talk' to us, but she's not a person. She's an algorithm with a recorded 'voice'. Personally, I think that we need to get rid of the scaremongering about 'intelligent robots' and embrace AIs for what they are: amazing tools which can help us to get the absolute best out of our marketing strategies. For this reason, Explainable AI is the development I'm most excited about in this field. Taking some of the mystery out of the algorithms and integrating them more closely with human operations will, I think, make us more able to get the best of both worlds (human and digital).

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