Founder & Strategy Director at Let’sTalk Strategy

Jenna Tiffany small profile 200Jenna Tiffany is Founder & Strategy Director at Let'sTalk Strategy providing strategic consultancy services across the digital marketing mix. Jenna is a Chartered Marketer and elected Fellow of the IDM with over ten years’ marketing experience across both B2B and B2C. Jenna has consulted with brands such as Shell, Hilton and World Duty Free to name a few on digital and email marketing strategy.

As a recognised expert, Jenna is an elected member of the prestigious DMA UK Email Marketing Council, the Chair of the Email Best Practice hub shaping the industry’s best practice and involved in developing the latest research. Jenna is also a marketing tutor teaching CIM courses as well as a competent public speaker and publisher, speaking regularly at hundreds of marketing events across Europe. Jenna regularly gets interviewed for her thoughts on the latest trends in email marketing and recently authored Smart Insights guide to creating a successful welcome email journey

Do you get a second chance to make a first impression?


The importance of setting a first impression Setting first impressions in email marketing begins with the first email a subscriber receives after entering their email address in your signup form. That newly excited subscriber eager to receive your organisation's emails has expressed an interest; they want to learn more. So, how...

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  1563 Hits

Strategically Using AI


Is this going to be another blog post about AI? To be blunt, yes, it is. But it is a blog with a difference. There has been tremendous excitement, interest and fascination with the possibilities of using generative AI tools like chat GPT, Bard, and so on. But what does this...

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  1897 Hits

Useful email marketing


Recently I have been back in the air travelling again. Like many of us, it's been a long time since I got into a plane seat. But as with everything, you quickly get back into the same old habits and routines! What I have found interesting are my customer expectation levels....

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  1485 Hits

What does the introduction of Amazon ESP mean to email marketing?


You may have seen the recent announcement by Amazon that they are going to let their brands and sellers send out marketing emails. It’s generated a lot of chatter, with some expressing concerns that the move could result in a new wave of spam hitting inboxes. How could this impact email's...

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The four key stages of email marketing


Recently I had the honour of teaching a group of eager University students who wanted to learn everything there is to know about email marketing. It promised to be a fantastic experience, especially given the venue: the stunning city of Barcelona. But there was a catch. I had to teach these...

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  2780 Hits

Everything you need to know about auditing your email marketing

The word ‘audit’ sounds scary, but an email audit is nothing to be afraid of. It’s actually a very good, very useful thing. Think of an audit as like a health check for your email marketing. It will tell you what’s going well, what could be improved, and how you can...

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  3181 Hits

Declutter your mind, and improve your email marketing in 2022


Not long ago, my inbox stood at over 25k emails. Of those, around 2k were usually unread at any one time. An inbox like that is stressful. It was certainly stressing me out. I used to close my email overwhelmed, dreaming of ‘Inbox Zero’ - a nice, neat, tidy dashboard with...

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  2317 Hits

Has the new ISP in town lifted the veil? My thoughts on trialing


Historically, ISPs have kept the way that they operate a closely guarded secret. Sure, we could make a few educated guesses drawing on what we've learned from testing, but could any of us say for sure why (for example) Gmail sends some emails to 'Promotions' and others straight to the inbox?...

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  3676 Hits

Ethical email marketing


Automation is here, AI is here, we have more tools than ever to send truly personalised email marketing. We can analyse and get to know our customers better than ever....and it’s getting a bit creepy. In this blog, let’s take a step back and look at how personalisation should make the...

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  7317 Hits

Start 2020 right with email strategising

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January is traditionally a month of reflection and aspiration. Which makes it the perfect month for getting your email strategies into shape. Take all of that fresh, shiny, hopeful and analytical New Year’s energy and channel it into making 2020 your best year yet by looking back at your past strategies and putting what you’ve learned into your future strategies.


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  3492 Hits

Tiffany: The Future Email Subscriber


Email has undergone a lot of changes over the last few years - but it’s likely that the changes we’ve already weathered have simply been laying the foundations for what’s to come. For email marketing, these are interesting times. The most important people in any consideration about the future are, of...

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  4839 Hits

Email Round Table Discussion: Is it time to shift our focus from email open rates


Jenna Tiffany:  I’m excited to hear everyone’s thoughts on this week’s discussion topic: Is it time to shift our focus from email open rates?  Interested to hear everyone’s experience and the challenge in moving away from relying heavily on email open rates when defining email marketing success.  If you missed my...

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  8172 Hits

Tiffany: Marketing metrics – is it time to shift our focus from open rates?


Performance analysis is an absolutely vital aspect of any strategy. I may even go so far as to say that it’s the most important aspect. It’s what keeps you attuned to the pulse of your market, tells you what’s going down well and what’s less appealing. It’s how you weed out...

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  10480 Hits

OI Discussion: Artificial Intelligence in Email Marketing

Jenna Tiffany:  It's a pleasure to host another OI discussion with a topic that I’m sure all of you will have thoughts on as well as experiences to share.  Artificial Intelligence in email marketing So let's start with, have you used AI in your email marketing activities? What did you learn...

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  6164 Hits

Tiffany: Artificial Intelligence in Email Marketing


2017 was probably AI’s breakout year in email marketing. It's from then on that I started to witness the results that AI can bring to the channel primarily when used in combination with Machine Learning and Automation. Change has been rapid and ongoing since then, and it doesn’t look like slowing...

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  13937 Hits

Round Table Discussion: How Will Voice Tech Change Email Marketing?


The Following Email Marketing Round Table Discussion is based on Jenna Tiffany's article: Verbalising Email – How Will Voice Tech Change Email Marketing?  Jenna Tiffany: So let's start with, do we think it will change email marketing? And if yes, how?  Maybe you use voice tech already to read your emails...

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  5505 Hits

Tiffany: Why Does Email Marketing Need a Strategy?


Across the pond, the GDPR has presented the world of digital marketing with a unique opportunity to take stock, reflect on our methods, and start afresh with a clean sheet. It’s given us a fantastic insight into the mindset of our audiences, and empowered us to build positive, lasting relationships with...

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  9054 Hits

Tiffany: Verbalising Email – How Will Voice Tech Change Email Marketing?


If there’s one thing that brands are likely to embrace in 2019, it’s voice technology. Instinctive, intuitive, pervasive, and accessible, voice technology is set to interweave into our lives more than we ever thought possible.  Through voice assistants like Alexa and Siri we can engage with cyberspace without ever having to...

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  14205 Hits

Tiffany: Integrating Email Marketing with Social Media


This month, I am loving the latest piece of email marketing from the LA Galaxy soccer team. Utilising the uncompromisingly confident personality of Galaxy player Zlatan Ibrahimovic. Check it out:

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  9495 Hits

Tiffany: Personalization in a post-GDPR world


Marketers are reeling in a post-GDPR world. Use of our most vital tool – data – has been restricted. At the same time, 62% of consumers are demanding personalised experiences as standard. Something that’s impossible to produce without customer data. These two opposing pressures are making some marketers very worried. This doesn’t only affect the UK either, it affects every business. If you only have a single customer that is based in Europe, GDPR rules apply.

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  5436 Hits