cutout smile face2Dr. Ada Y. Barlatt, Ph.D. is the Founder and Chief Analytics Officer at OperationsAlly. She helps her clients discover and leverage insights hidden within their ESP data. She loves when her clients start to see their data is a representation of the real lives they impact (instead of just a bunch of numbers). When she isn’t working with clients, you could find her on a cruise ship (pre-COVID) or watching anime (post-COVID). She loves self-assessments, laughing and gluten-free baked goods!




Key considerations for getting data from your apps into your ESP


Data is fantastic for the insights it can provide for improving your program, increasing personalization, and increasing revenue. Despite the benefits, the challenges around collecting and organizing the data often holds marketers back. A 2020 survey held by Evergage (now Salesforce), showed that lack of personnel, lack of knowledge/skill and access...

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  1582 Hits

Four steps to get data into your ESP so you can send better email


As third-party cookies are scheduled to disappear, it is becoming more important to collect zero-party and first-party data to improve automation and personalization in your campaigns. Your ESP can be the best place to gather this first-hand data, as I explained in an earlier OI post (Zero/First Party Data and your...

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  2592 Hits

Zero/First Party Data and your ESP - an opportunity for email marketers


We email marketers are in a great position to deal with the data challenges posed by new data-privacy laws and the impending loss of third-party tracking cookies. That's because we often have access to the most valuable kinds of data, most commonly referred to as first-party data and, increasingly, zero-party data....

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  2400 Hits

Use prescriptive analytics to delegate decisions and grow your email program


Running an email marketing program requires making a lot of decisions. Making all those decisions be overwhelming, lead to burnout and keep you from tackling important strategic issues. Delegation is a great way to take some decision-making responsibility off your plate. Having a person (team member, contractor or assistant) take items...

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  2236 Hits

How predictive analytics can help you grow your email program


If you read my previous Only Influencers posts on analytics for email marketers and finding the right predictive features for your program, you'll discover I'm all about asking questions – specifically, asking the right questions. Asking the right questions helps you figure out what's not working in your email program and...

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  2639 Hits

One Tip and One Free Resource to Overcome Email Metrics Overwhelm


If you’ve ever wondered what email metrics to report or how to interpret your campaign’s metrics -- this is for you! As I am sure you are aware, one of the great aspects of email marketing is the data! There is a ton of data generated with every email sent. And...

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  2204 Hits

Custom Fields and Tags: Your Key to Next Level Email Marketing Analysis


We know that the key to measuring success with any type of marketing is to track relevant metrics and adjust practices accordingly. But are you taking advantage of all of the data in your email marketing account? Most email marketers are used to analyzing key metrics about opens and clicks within...

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  3019 Hits

Maximize Your Marketing Data by Asking Great Questions


Image source: “Notebook work with statistics on sofa business” from Unsplash In a previous post, I introduced the three types of analytics and shared that the first step of starting an analytics project is to ask yourself: What is the objective, intention, or question that you want answered? This post...

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  3090 Hits

Find the right predictive solutions for your email marketing!


In my last blog post, I provided a quick and easy roadmap to analytics for email marketers. In this post, I’ll continue the discussion on analytics by taking a deeper look at predictive analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning solutions in email marketing. [Moving forward, I’ll refer to the group...

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  3030 Hits

A Quick and Easy Roadmap for using Analytics in Email Marketing


Analytics done well can lead to better customer service and bigger bottom lines (for example, my client used analytics insights to increase sales 250%) -- done poorly it can be a complete waste of time. This article provides a quick and easy analytics roadmap specifically for email marketers. My aim is...

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  5209 Hits