Anne P. Mitchell is the CEO of ISIPP SuretyMail Email Accreditation

Friday Pitch Day: SuretyMail Instant Help

Friday Pitch Day: SuretyMail Instant Help

I'm very pleased to announce that SuretyMail has rolled our instant help service; this is a service for email senders who are having a delivery problem with which they want help, but who are not certified through us (our certification customers of course get this sort of help included with the cost of certification). Through SuretyMail's instant delivery help service, anyone can get immediate help with any deliverability problem they may be having.

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Anne P. Mitchell, CEO ISIPP SuretyMail Email Certification

Anne P. Mitchell, CEO ISIPP SuretyMail Email Certification

ISIPP SuretyMail Email Certification

Anne is the CEO of ISIPP SuretyMail, one of only two companies in the world that offer email accreditation and certification. In addition, ISIPP SuretyMail offers ad-hoc help for immediate email deliverability problems, and also offers a stand-alone self-help downloadable Email Academy package, covering everything that an email sender needs to know to get their email to the inbox, and to troubleshoot problems. SuretyMail also offers email marketing system audits, to help email marketers ensure that they are doing everything right.

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How to Increase Your Email Marketing ROI and Throw Your Customers a Big Party

How to Increase Your Email Marketing ROI and Throw Your Customers a Big Party

I love "what if" games, don't you?  Recently, in a group to which I belong, this question was posed:  What if the boss gave you $10,000 to improve your brand's email marketing ROI?

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The Slippery Slope of Email Acquisition

The Slippery Slope of Email Acquisition

"Every marketer knows that one of your greatest assets is your email list. In the '90s and early '00s, relatively little attention was paid to how you actually built that mailing list; the focus was on building the biggest mailing list possible, and mailing lists were often bought, sold, or shared. Nobody really thought about the concept of "permission", after all email was the closest thing to free advertising and marketing you could get, and if somebody had an email address, it was considered fair game."

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