7 Reminders for Holiday Sending

7 Reminders for Holiday Sending

It’s holiday email season! Right about now is when I start having a hard time managing my personal email – there are quite a few brands in my inbox and while I really do want email from the companies I enjoy, the volume is at times unmanageable and causes me frustration. I know my family and friends feel the same way. How can marketers make sure they are maintaining their brand reputation and inbox placement, while at the same time sending what’s needed to help companies reach their holiday goals? Here are some reminders on how to send smart email and maintain a good sending reputation that will carry you into the New Year.

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  12733 Hits

Meet the Influencers: Tim Watson

Tim Watson is the Founder of Zettasphere. 1. How did you get started in email marketing? My first experience of email marketing was a little unorthodox. Little did I know it was the first step into many years of email. And it’s a secret I've never shared until now. Back in...

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  4989 Hits

InkBrush: New (free) Responsive Email Design Tool

InkBrush: New (free) Responsive Email Design Tool

I wanted to share a big announcement we made this week with the Influencers. We’ve built a new and easy way for email marketers to create responsive email directly from their design files. It is available today within agileEMAIL (our flagship agile marketing solution) and Inkbrush.com, (a new, hosted email design and coding tool).

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  9879 Hits

7 Rules to Share When Your Colleagues Stink at Email Design

7 Rules to Share When Your Colleagues Stink at Email Design

I have the pleasure of working with some truly talented people. But just because you’re good at designing crisp logos or iconic product packaging or gorgeous posters doesn’t mean you know a thing about designing for direct marketing. It’s completely different. And lately, I’ve had the dubious pleasure of having to tell some of my most talented colleagues that they stink at email design.

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  10706 Hits

Email : The Digital Glue That Holds All Communication Together

Email : The Digital Glue That Holds All Communication Together

If email isn’t your number one priority, it’s time to shift gears and focus solely on email.

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  6835 Hits

BeeFree: A Free Online Email Editor with Built-in Responsive Design

BeeFree: A Free Online Email Editor with Built-in Responsive Design

Design stunning, fully responsive emails without the need of any HTML or CSS coding knowledge!

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  4544 Hits

Meet the Influencers: Tink Taylor

Tink Taylor is Founder and COO of dotDigital Group PLC. How did you get started in Email Marketing?  Via being a windsurfing instructor! I’ll explain… I started my career as a computer programmer working for an organisation in the UK called Sequent Computer systems that were later acquired by IBM.  During...

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  8825 Hits

Spamtraps need to be Retired

Spamtraps need to be Retired

Spamtraps are considered by many as the gold standard in proving that someone is a spammer. Secret emails/honeypots/blackholes are the canary in the email coal mine- heretofore absolute proof that you’re a bad actor in the war against spam. We’ve all been taught to believe that spam traps can only end up on your list if you’re mailing old/dead addresses and/or purchasing lists.

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  13685 Hits

4 Ways to Boost Consent for Email Billing

4 Ways to Boost Consent for Email Billing

Getting customers to opt-in to email communications is a priority for many companies as a means to increase revenue. However, email also serves its purpose as a fantastic cost reduction mechanism when converting customers to go paperless. Now, companies are looking for ways to get their customers to convert from paper bills to eBilling. What better way to do that, than to send email bills instead? In this blog post, we’ll focus on getting consent via email, to maximize customer take up of email as a billing channel.

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  10535 Hits

Meet the Influencers: Gretchen Scheiman

How did you get started in Email Marketing? I was working for American Express and I had been eyeing the digital side of the business for a few years, but it was still really tiny. Finally, in early 2000 they started to grow the digital team and I jumped at the...

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  5964 Hits

How to Increase Your Email Marketing ROI and Throw Your Customers a Big Party

How to Increase Your Email Marketing ROI and Throw Your Customers a Big Party

I love "what if" games, don't you?  Recently, in a group to which I belong, this question was posed:  What if the boss gave you $10,000 to improve your brand's email marketing ROI?

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  6922 Hits

Integrating New Email Addresses into Your Database

Integrating New Email Addresses into Your Database

There may come a time in your career as an email marketer where you’ll be presented with a (legitimate) list that you need to integrate into your database; for example, your company could make an acquisition or you could be taking over marketing activities from another business unit. FierceMarkets has had a flurry of these kind of activities in the last 18 months, and we’ve developed a plan that has been successful so far. I’ll share the main points here to help with any integrations you may face.

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  7184 Hits

Meet the Influencers: Andrew Kordek

(Andrew Kordek is the Co-Founder and COO of Trendline Interactive) How did you get started in email marketing? It started by accident in 1999 when I was in software sales and looking for ways to increase my production.  One day, I stumbled upon the power of mail merge in outlook and...

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  5249 Hits

Meet the Influencer: Bob Frady

1. How did you get started in Email Marketing. I was working for IndyMac Bank running a huge direct mail operation when I saw the handwriting on the wall and got out of mortgages. In 2007 I ended up getting hired by Live Nation to be their VP of Direct Marketing,...

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  6854 Hits

Captivate Customers with a Lifecycle Marketing Strategy

Captivate Customers with a Lifecycle Marketing Strategy

As email marketing experts, we all know that if the present and future direction of email marketing could be summed up in one word, it would be personalization.

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  7012 Hits

Email Marketing and the Hybrid Cloud

The proliferation of SaaS solutions into the massive and ever-growing cloud ecosystem has been godsend for digital marketers for more than 15 years. The days of expensive, IT intensive, on-premise solutions are largely a thing of the past. However, all the benefits of cloud solutions have not come without a significant...

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  7989 Hits

Meet the Influencer: Andy Thorpe

Andy, aka Captain Inbox, is the Email Oracle at Pure360. 1. How Did you Get Started in Email Marketing Even though the education system and I didn’t get on, I picked-up programming pretty quickly during a job fixing and building (then new) Pentium4 PCs at a local business equipment company, so...

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  8165 Hits

Email Marketers Don't Actually Care About Privacy and Permission - Here's Why

Email Marketers Don't Actually Care About Privacy and Permission - Here's Why

"The point I would like to make is that there is a double standard being applied to the email channel and bizarrely this double standard is often welcomed by the email industry. We never seem happier than when someone else moves the goal posts or makes our lives difficult. We seem to think that overcoming obstacles both real and perceived (e.g. being blocked by blacklists creating email addresses out of common misspellings of email address and then blocking you when a clumsy consumer mistypes on registration, Gmail constantly changing the rules) are evidence of how committed we are to permission and privacy. They do not."

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  9233 Hits

Email Campaign Feedback and Approval Tools

Email Campaign Feedback and Approval Tools

I’m working on a feedback and approval tool for email campaigns and I wanted to get an idea of the type of tools that you are currently using for feedback, approval and proofing (not client testing ala Litmus) among stakeholders.

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  5438 Hits

Who was the First ESP?

Who was the First ESP?

Had a question posed to me by a colleague today asking who out there was the first ESP in the space. I seem to remember the topic coming up a little while ago on the list...but just wondering if anyone had a history of ESPs coming to market...Thanks,

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  6634 Hits