kate barrett

Kate Barrett is the founder of eFocus Marketing, providing specialist email marketing consultancy, management and training services to companies around the world.

With a proven track record and over 13 years’ experience, Kate’s expertise and passion has helped a large range of companies (including Nissan, Marks & Spencer, Argos, Vision Direct and QVC among many others) develop comprehensive strategies, implement, manage and optimise campaigns, as well as solve complex email marketing issues.

Kate is a member of the DMA Email Council, regularly speaks at events, and is the email marketing lecturer for the IDM.

Kate is also the author of the published book ‘E-telligence. Email Marketing isn’t dead, the way you’re using it is’

Why Email Service Providers should outsource client consultancy and deployment


The growing Martech Stack The global martech industry is worth an estimated $344.8bn (The Martech Report, 21-22). The ecosystem itself has grown considerably to over 8,000 vendors in 2020 (The Chief Martech landscape). In 2021, 76% of companies reported using marketing technology (HubSpot State of Marketing Report, 2021), and usage will...

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  2007 Hits

Make your email marketing like a stay in a top hotel and keep your audience coming back again and again


Everyday people around the world pay more for that little bit of luxury. And when it comes to hotels, as in the case of the email communications we send, customers are becoming more discerning and demanding more from the service they receive. So, let’s look at how top email marketing compares...

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  2654 Hits

Kickstart your email marketing strategy in 2022 and increase your engagement


The abundance of specific jobs available and lack of enough email marketing talent to fulfil them at the moment, is testament to the revelation within businesses since COVID; email marketing is no longer the workhorse plugging away in the background – it is the core, the beating heart, of any good...

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  2991 Hits

The importance of data on your results


So…. Data! Do you love it or hate it?! For me, data is the absolute power source of all you want to implement in your email marketing (and multi-channel marketing) strategies. Without data you can’t identify who you’re talking to, in order to better target your copy and offers; you can’t...

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  3880 Hits

Know where you're coming from to know where you want to go


So often I speak to companies that are working away in earnest at their email strategy, with the aim of meeting targets set by line managers and directors higher up in the company, without truly understanding why they are doing it. Even worse, they’re tasked with ‘improving open and click rates’ generally...

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  3208 Hits

9 Steps to Prepare Your Holiday Email Marketing Strategy for Success


The holiday season is the most important time of year for retailers, with a large portion of sales being done at this time. MasterCard SpendingPulse reported that holiday ecommerce sales account for an average of 14.6% of total retail spending (and much more in some cases).   When Deloitte asked people...

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  6873 Hits

Adapt or Die: Encouraging Loyalty


We are living in unprecedented times….. no scrap that…. That’s how every blog post or notification seems to start nowadays doesn’t it?! And actually, how unprecedented is the time we are living in? We’ve seen global (or near global catastrophes) before, whether health related or war related, and as a society...

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  4669 Hits

How Can Retail Marketers Stand Out This Holiday Season?


I hate to say it, but we are now at the end of October and Christmas is almost upon us (the marketing is starting to ramp up in earnest)! For most businesses out there, email marketing planning for the holiday season would have started months ago, if not the beginning of...

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  3219 Hits

OI Discussion: Relevancy


(The following is a recent discussion on the Only Influencers discussion list led by Kate Barrett. Join Only Influencers to be part of the discussion) Kate Barrett Hi everyone! I have the absolute pleasure of leading the discussion this week and I’m so excited to see what we all come up...

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  5317 Hits

Kate Barrett: Reviewing our Relevancy: How Can Marketers Evolve to Keep Up with Entitled Consumers?


The recent DMA 2019 Marketer Tracker Report reported that only 14% of consumers think that over half of the emails an organisation sends are relevant to them as individuals.  But maybe more shockingly, only 55% of marketers think that more than half of all the emails they send are relevant. So...

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  8021 Hits