Does Progressive Profiling Really Work?

Does Progressive Profiling Really Work?

"Progressive profiling is hailed as a marketing technique that boosts lead generation, improves marketing intelligence, generates more conversions, and helps you gain more information about subscribers over time."

Progressive profiling is hailed as a marketing technique that boosts lead generation, improves marketing intelligence, generates more conversions, and helps you gain more information about subscribers over time.

Wow. It’s like listening to a commercial for Ginsu knives: “And that’s not all!”

Progressive profiling isn’t all bad, but it isn’t as good as a Ginsu knife commercial would have you believe either. Here are some guidelines for when to use it, and when to look for other tactics.

Progressive Profiling Works When…

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  25061 Hits

Five Ways Brands are Building Email Lists offline

Five Ways Brands are Building Email Lists offline

"With more revenue still offline than online those brands that have a physical presence can score over the pure digital brands by thinking digitally offline too."

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  36197 Hits

Is Email the Cinderella of Your Marketing?

Is Email the Cinderella of Your Marketing?

After over a decade in successful use there is abundant proof that email is not only the connective tissue of all data-driven marketing but also the revenue-producing juggernaut of digital efforts. Yet despite claiming the highest ROI of all direct marketing channels at 28.5%1, the highest driver of online conversions2and the number two spot (second only to search) in new customer acquisition3 email marketing is still too often swept out of sight, called upon only when we need miracles worked. In my nearly 15 years of experience with the channel, I am too frequently surprised and dismayed that email is not receiving nearly the attention and investment it economically deserves.

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  36785 Hits

Is Email List Rental Dead?

Is Email List Rental Dead?

"Advertisements are like wrinkles: every day they appear in places you don’t want to see them, and once they are there they never go away (on their own). So to contemplate the death of any advertising medium is a fool’s errand. I have been called worse."

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  30595 Hits

Is Social Media Replacing Good Customer Service

Is Social Media Replacing Good Customer Service

"Are companies now relying more on their social media specialists to handle customer service complaints than their customer service departments? Does it take a customer “going public” with their complaints to get proper service?"

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  23268 Hits

Tips from a Consultant: Using Maslow to understand the Needs of your client.

Tips from a Consultant: Using Maslow to understand the Needs of your client.

"Anyone in marketing knows that the one constant within any marketing team, whether internal teams, clients, vendors, etc., is ego."

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  32000 Hits

Getting Culture Right in a Global Email World

Getting Culture Right in a Global Email World

"While you need to personalize content based on your segmentation goals, the cultural greeting can be even more important than the body of the email. First impressions matter."

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  28200 Hits

How to Win Friends and Influence Good Email Practices

How to Win Friends and Influence Good Email Practices

"My job is to offer email and digital strategic solutions to clients that run the gamut of knowledge and experience between having zero clue what to do with email in their marketing program, those who need to initiate email into their marketing plan, through clients that simply need help optimizing their current email program. "

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  35993 Hits

Optimizing Your Unsubcribe Survey

Optimizing Your Unsubcribe Survey

Many marketers do not even bother with an unsubscribe survey, and many who do are either learning the wrong thing or ignoring a majority of the data. They may listen to a portion of it, but have unsubscribed from many of the insights that a survey can offer. The unsubscribe survey can be a more powerful tool for both insights and strategy if optimized.

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  40126 Hits

Miracle on 34th Street: Why I shop Macy's

I've spent most of my career writing and speaking about online marketing. But today I want to write about something that is unique to the Brick and Mortar store experience. Something that can't be replicated in an online enviornment. I want to talk about why I shop Macy's. 

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  38200 Hits

The Three Pillars of Digital Marketing Part Two

The Three Pillars of Digital Marketing Part Two

Part Two of my address at the 2011 New York Ad:tech conference: Email and Mobile:

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  15584 Hits

Email, Social, and Mobile Marketing. Three Pillars of Digital Marketing Part One

Email, Social, and Mobile Marketing. Three Pillars of Digital Marketing Part One

The following is the Part One of a speech I just gave for the 2011 New York Ad:tech Email Track. It concerns the merging of Email and Social Media. Part Two is on the synergies between Email and Mobile and will be published in a separate blog post.

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  21712 Hits

Using Social Media to Boost Your Email Marketing

Using Social Media to Boost Your Email Marketing

I’m often asked what I believe to be the number one way to connect email and social media marketing. Last month I tackled that question from the starting point of email. This month I'm addressing it from the perspective of social media.

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  32174 Hits

Will You Make the Opt-In Marketing Mindset Shift?

Will You Make the Opt-In Marketing Mindset Shift?

"Permission as a standard for email is nothing new. Proponents of permission marketing have preached its virtues since Seth Godin first penned his book of the same name in 1998, and many companies and organizations have voluntarily adopted opt-in marketing as their business standard. But in the United States, unlike in the United Kingdom and much of Europe, we’ve always stopped short of legislating permission into email marketing law."

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  41297 Hits

The Number One Way to Connect Your Email and Social Media Marketing

The Number One Way to Connect Your Email and Social Media Marketing

"With so many ways to integrate email and social media we have almost unlimited options for leveraging connection between these two powerful conversation marketing channels. Still, for those at the beginning of the process it pays to know where to start."

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  36405 Hits

Three Email Message Types Not to Miss in Your Customer Marketing Mix

Three Email Message Types Not to Miss in Your Customer Marketing Mix

It’s easy to bore your customers to death with email: just send them the same type of message repeatedly and you’ll succeed. We're often guilty of this when we send our e-newsletter and little (or nothing) else. And while a newsletter absolutely has a place as a staple in your email marketing program, it should be far from the only type of message you send your customers on a regular basis.

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  47149 Hits

Do you Really Know Your Customers? Marketing to a Rapidly Diversifying Population

Do you Really Know Your Customers? Marketing to a Rapidly Diversifying Population

The U.S. Census Bureau releases the results of its 2010 census this summer and marketers are advised to prepare for some major demographic shifts. In a recent interview I read of Peter Francese, consultant to advertising megalith Ogilvy & Mather and author of the research report 2010 America, I was surprised to learn:

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  13720 Hits

Social and Email Marketing: Being Human

Social and Email Marketing: Being Human

" When it comes to marketing either in Social Media or Email Marketing, it's important to show your audience that you’re human. Show them there are real people and faces behind the corporate facade. Nothing is more important than having a personal connection with your customer whether you live in the B2B or B2C world. "

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  13468 Hits