Attribution and ROI

Attribution and ROI

"It’s a near certain fact that much of a marketer’s time is spent on analysing specific campaign ROI, or put another way, how much marketing spend was needed to generate a particular sale. It does seem to make sense that if a brand is employing a vast number of channels to reach a customer – PPC, social, email, display – it will want to know how to spend its limited resources, in order to optimise future campaigns. However, I am not convinced that campaign level ROI is the best metric for measuring campaign effectiveness."

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  5862 Hits

Triggered Email Messages: Evaluate Your Performance with these New Benchmarks

Triggered Email Messages: Evaluate Your Performance with these New Benchmarks

"Epsilon released its Q4 2013 Email Trends and Benchmarks Report earlier this month and there’s some exciting new data here on triggered messages that will help marketers evaluate their email programs." Epsilon released its Q4 2013 Email Trends and Benchmarks Report earlier this month and there’s some exciting new data here...

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  11480 Hits

Relevance is Irrelevant

Relevance is Irrelevant

"I call bullshit. Because - in email- relevance is irrelevant, once the consumer chooses you. (Cue the wailing and gnashing of teeth music.) Why do I know this? Statistics."

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  10183 Hits

Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization

"Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is the technical term for strategically planning your tests. It’s the active process of defining the metric you’re trying to optimize, creating several hypotheses about what tweaks in your campaigns may increase your conversion rate, and measuring the effect of each hypothesis. It applies equally to email and landing pages, but I’ll limit the discussion here to email as much as possible."

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  12266 Hits

What’s next? Why Inbox data will fuel the next wave of email innovation

What’s next? Why Inbox data will fuel the next wave of email innovation

"Where are the big opportunities for email innovation over the next several years? My bet is on the Inbox."

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  9735 Hits

The State Of Email Marketing In South Africa

The State Of Email Marketing In South Africa

"Email Marketing in South Africa is truly in it's infancy. There are few true ESP's in South Africa, and very few companies truly using Email Marketing to it's full potential."

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  13364 Hits

Leveraging Your Next Logical Product to Create Repeat Customers

Leveraging Your Next Logical Product to Create Repeat Customers

"If you’re a marketer, you’ve no doubt heard about the 80/20 rule. For those of you who haven’t, it’s simple: 80 percent of your revenue comes from 20 percent of your customer base.If that is indeed the rule, it means the vast majority of your business is coming from repeat customers....

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  11062 Hits

The Green, Yellow, and Red Lights of Email Marketing

The Green, Yellow, and Red Lights of Email Marketing

"And what's the process for controlling email marketers and taking away the power of the channel? It's easy. Call them a spammer."

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  7504 Hits

Using Cause Related Emails as a PR Tool

Using Cause Related Emails as a PR Tool

"Many companies use cause-related marketing to boost their brand image, build goodwill and create positive PR. This is widely apparent at holiday time and during October, for example, as businesses jump on the breast cancer awareness bandwagon."

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  7466 Hits

Six Tips to Help Align Your Business and Your Teams

Six Tips to Help Align Your Business and Your Teams

"When your organization goes through change, it means you have to re-align your business leaders, your teams, your vendors and sometimes, your customers. What steps can you take to get back on track once you realize you are not aligned? "

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  5691 Hits

The Creepy Side of Email and Big Data

The Creepy Side of Email and Big Data

"Personalization is touted in email circles as a positive. I tell clients all the time that including a recipient's first name and other personal details in a message has been shown to increase engagement. But there are times when personalization can be creepy."

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  24374 Hits

3 Tips to Get Your Email Program Goals in Tip Top Shape!

3 Tips to Get Your Email Program Goals in Tip Top Shape!

"What do you want to accomplish this year in your email program? Sounds simple right? "

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  19434 Hits

Why Testing is Hard

Why Testing is Hard

"The question is, if everyone wants to test, then why isn’t everyone testing? The answer is that testing is simple in concept but really, really hard to execute. But not for the reasons you think."

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  14067 Hits

Make Data Privacy & Security Your New Year’s Resolution:

Make Data Privacy & Security Your New Year’s Resolution:

"Marketers, service providers and app developers alike must protect their data no matter where it resides. This includes holding service providers accountable by demanding they adopt the best practices available."

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  9164 Hits

Analytics and Easy, Actionable Tips for Email List Conversion

Analytics and Easy, Actionable Tips for Email List Conversion

"Back in September I wrote a post for this blog about the mindset of great email marketers: that they are always looking at the data and using the quantitative results to improve their future performance."

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  19116 Hits

3 Ways to Impact Engagement with Analysis

3 Ways to Impact Engagement with Analysis

"It amazes me how many companies start email “strategies” without putting much thought into the impact of a poor, or typically complete lack of, planning. It’s not easy to start emailing customers, potential customers or subscribers, or to add new campaigns to existing channel strategy – but, it all starts with understanding what they want followed by consistency."

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  8203 Hits

Email Segmentation’s Enemy Is Math

Email Segmentation’s Enemy Is Math

"Here’s the problem I have with segmentation…most of it – for email marketers – has yet to show that it actually pays in either increased sales or increased customer engagement. People seem to feel that segmentation is good, yet have little proof that it makes a difference. As an email marketer…I like proof."

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  24451 Hits

Trick or Tip? Holiday Email Strategy from Howl to Ho-Ho-Ho

Trick or Tip? Holiday Email Strategy from Howl to Ho-Ho-Ho

"The holidays aren’t just about retail. It’s a great reason to connect with subscribers from B2B through Financial as most everyone enjoys some holiday wishes. "

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  23081 Hits

Does Progressive Profiling Really Work?

Does Progressive Profiling Really Work?

"Progressive profiling is hailed as a marketing technique that boosts lead generation, improves marketing intelligence, generates more conversions, and helps you gain more information about subscribers over time."

Progressive profiling is hailed as a marketing technique that boosts lead generation, improves marketing intelligence, generates more conversions, and helps you gain more information about subscribers over time.

Wow. It’s like listening to a commercial for Ginsu knives: “And that’s not all!”

Progressive profiling isn’t all bad, but it isn’t as good as a Ginsu knife commercial would have you believe either. Here are some guidelines for when to use it, and when to look for other tactics.

Progressive Profiling Works When…

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  25365 Hits

Five Ways Brands are Building Email Lists offline

Five Ways Brands are Building Email Lists offline

"With more revenue still offline than online those brands that have a physical presence can score over the pure digital brands by thinking digitally offline too."

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  36520 Hits