Systems Check: Looking at Email Health


In light of my last post for the Influencers blog, I thought it good karma to write a systems check post in order to show a fundamental, systematic process for improving the customer experience from hard data - in turn, making email marketing more fun, and definitely more rewarding. Email marketing is a craft; an art form, melding technical precision and emotively-artistic talents. The reward for appreciating this craft is a profitable, interactive email channel. The customer experience is ultimately relational, data or no data, trigger or no trigger - every email needs to relate to the recipient.

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Do You Acquire Email Subscribers Like Top UK Brands? Check Yourself Here


After nearly 20 years in the industry, it still astonishes me to find how many email marketers aren't doing everything they can – legally! – to acquire high-quality subscribers.

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  5002 Hits

Unboxing: Ongage

In today’s Unboxing article we look at Ongage, a seven year old profitable email marketing technology company based in Israel with corporate offices in New York City. Ongage has carved out a very unique niche for themselves in the email technology universe as an independent front end for ESP’s and SMTP’s with their sweet spot being the SMTP/MTA world which often lacks a front end of their own. It also allows you to integrate multiple SMTP’s into a single common interface. Let’s open it up and look under the hood, starting with the list of recommended vendors that Ongage has integrated with: 

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Jacobi: Email and Social Need To Work Together


Email Marketing continues to prove its value on a regular basis. When a brand sends an Email they know who opened, clicked, purchased, even down to what they purchased. This data helps in developing targeted Email segmentation plans.   Does this mean Email Marketing is easy? If you are doing batch and blast it can appear easy but Email is complex when done right. However, the payoff is worth the effort. Some people believe that Social is easier since in real time you can post content and get instant likes.   But is this really the same thing?

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Kordek: The Most Overhyped Trends in Email Marketing Today


"Interactive email" and "AI” (artificial intelligence) are all the rage in email these days because they offer lots of promise to keep email's future bright. But, they're tops on my list of overhyped trends. So let’s step back for a moment and look at where we are now and where we should go with them in the future.

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Phelan: How Strong is the State of Our Union?


A few days ago, I posted a link on my Facebook page to a blog post I'd written about an American Airlines year-end recap email. I praised AA for going above and beyond the call of email duty because it used my own data to hyper-personalize the message.

Then, a friend commented on that post, saying, "Does it ever bother you that we've been preaching the same things for the last 10 years?"

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Unboxing: Movable Ink


For our first Unboxing article of 2018, we are going to examine dynamically generated content creation in email developed by Movable Ink. Look for a new Unboxing article each month. 

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Make Email Marketing a Game, and Win


Email marketing is a game, or at least it should be. The sentiment is captured in the now-aged movie, “Moneyball.” The movie, focused on a sub-par baseball team that used strategy to improve their winning percentage. It is a great classic for marketers everywhere. In the movie, the A’s manager, Billy Bene, applied Marketing principles to baseball and moved the team from a projected worst place finish to making the playoffs and changing the way the game is played forever.

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  5232 Hits

Testing to Boost Performance: The 3 Biggest Mistakes Marketers Make and How to Address Them


It’s lovely to see more organizations consistently testing to boost performance! But it’s sad to see marketers doing tests which are returning inconclusive or just plain useless results. Here are three of the most common testing mistakes my team and I run across working with clients, along with tips for how you and your team can avoid making them in the future!

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First Annual 2017 Email Marketing Accomplishments Roundup


This year I asked the members of Only Influencers to brag about their accomplishments for 2017. The response was outstanding and we will be making this an annual event. So, here is what the members of email marketing community accomplished this year: 

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  6995 Hits

2018: Email Marketing and the Customer Experience


I remember when CSS was barely usable in HTML email and plain-text versions were our attempt to be ‘mobile-friendly’. Table-based, inline-styled emails were all the rage way back in 2007. Seems like ages have passed since, although Outlook will always remind us of the good-old-days. Now, emails are mobile responsive, contain kinetic elements, and even contextual content by using real-time information gathered from the recipient - dilly, dilly!

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Wpromote helps clients to Think Like A Challenger. With a digital-first approach, we push our clients to go against convention and transform results. From CRM & Email to Content Marketing, Paid Search to SEO, Social to Digital Intelligence, our 400+ strong team works to drive your success and bottom line.

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Ongage is a complete solution to manage sophisticated email marketing operations. With separation of the platform “front end” from the delivery vendor “back end”, Ongage provides an advanced feature set, and the flexibility to select the email delivery vendor of choice. Easily connect with over 35 integrated vendors including Sparkpost, Mailgun,...

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  4905 Hits

Might be time to change your email template!


Change is hard! With email, change can even be more overwhelming because what you are doing now is likely something with which you are comfortable. However, isn’t it time to leave that comfort zone? We tend to lose sight over the impact that small changes to our email program can have. We test subject lines and day of week, the length of the email, text vs. image, and the frequency in which a subscriber should be mailed, etc. The list of what you can test goes on and on. Testing is great because it provides us good insight into how we should be engaging with our subscribers. However, one of the things I don’t see happening often is a change in the creative template. Both with my clients and what I see as a consumer (and yes, I get tons of emails) I see the same template time and time again.

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  3799 Hits

Earn Back Your Customers’ Attention Through Storytelling


Holiday season feels like a series of tactical maneuvers as marketers try to push customers and clients to commit and convert before year-end. There’s no more time for strategy or thinking, just a lot of putting out fires as you get the details done right. Of course, all this frenetic activity...

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  5173 Hits

Movable Ink


     Activate all of your data to personalize email content at the moment-of-open. Movable Ink’s Intelligent Content Platform enables you to generate engaging on-brand experiences to grow revenues with every customer interaction, and improve campaign efficiency by automating and accelerating content production.

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  3884 Hits

GDPR: Taking a ‘Glass Half Full’ Approach


  The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) becomes the law of the land in the European Union on May 25, 2018. I’ve read a lot of ‘glass half empty’ commentary about current marketing practices that will be difficult or prohibited under the new regulations. But the more I read the more...

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  7136 Hits

Case Study: Increasing Restaurant Revenue by 97% by Connecting Email and POS


Restaurants utilizing email to increase loyalty Ho...

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  8008 Hits

How to Write an Effective Marketing Automation RFP


To respond or not to respond is always the question. Some marketing automation platforms have taken the position that they will not respond to RFPs during the sales process because it is not the best use of their time. However, I believe that RFPs can be highly informative and useful during the procurement process as long as they are written with intention. As RFP season begins to wrap up, I took stock in the different RFPs that crossed my desk. I reviewed countless RFPs this quarter, some good, some bad, some 125 pages long and I realized that many brands have no idea how to write an RFP for a marketing automation platform, so a generic procurement RFP template is wordsmithed to reflect marketing automation language. Below are some surefire tips to make sure that a salesperson does not fall asleep reading your RFP.

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Kath Pay: Transition to 'Helpful Marketing' This Holiday Season


Everybody talks about being "customer-centric" in their marketing plans. "Putting the customer first" is a popular session at email conferences. "Aligning marketing with the customer journey," "improving the customer experience through email" and "adding value for our customers" are three goals people say they're trying to achieve with their marketing. Given...

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