Revenue Automation

Revenue Automation

Revenue Automation (RA) is an IBM Silverpop partner and digital marketing agency. We specialize in data-driven email, marketing automation and data integrations.

RA serves business-to-consumer marketing executives by providing the following support services:

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  8206 Hits

LiveIntentional Weekly: What Google’s ‘My Activities’ Page Means for Brands

LiveIntentional Weekly: What Google’s ‘My Activities’ Page Means
for Brands

Lost in all the hullaballoo in recent weeks over Pokémon Go was the news that Google recently made available a ‘My Activity’ page, which makes it possible for people to see all the information Google has related to their user login.

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  3269 Hits

Kristy LaPlante: Who’s the real winner: Pokémon, or Email?

Kristy LaPlante: Who’s the real winner: Pokémon, or Email?

By now, you’ve played Pokémon Go. And if you haven’t, you’ve witnessed someone who is playing it.

Welcome to the world of mainstream augmented reality. Before we dig deeper into the implications of Pokémon Go to Email Marketing – and yes, there are several – let’s begin with a complete understanding of what augmented reality is and how it came to be.

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Email Can Help Make Pokemon Go a Long Term Success

Email Can Help Make Pokemon Go a Long Term Success

Pokemon Go became the top downloaded and top grossing app when it was released three weeks ago. It already has more Daily Active Users (DAUs) than Twitter, and there’s probably much more to come —Niantic, the developer, has hinted at features that will involve bricks-and-mortar stores and may drive even more usage. In short, Pokemon Go is a massive hit.

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  4501 Hits

Latest Email Innovations: July Edition

Every Friday, Email Vendors get to pitch the OI membership on their latest tool or service. Below is the best pitches for the last 30 days:

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  4293 Hits

Ellen Watkins: 3 Life Changing Results from Writing for the OI Blog

Ellen Watkins: 3 Life Changing Results from Writing for the OI Blog

The simple email announcement came across my desk. All kinds of thoughts raced through my head and I considered all aspects of it in a matter of seconds. Do it! Don’t do it. Ack! Reach out and try. Move beyond your cube walls. This is an example of what you’ve been looking to do. What happens if peers and current leadership find out? What will it bring? What will it hurt? You’re not good enough. You are good enough. What will you say? You’ll figure it out somehow. And, in a split second I made a gut-decision and said yes to being one of the first contributors to the OI blog.

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  6198 Hits

A Tale of Two Emails (and a Call to Arms)

A Tale of Two Emails (and a Call to Arms)

I recently signed up for two very different email lists, Pottery Barn and Chubbies. Why on earth would I add more email to my already exploding inbox? In the case of Pottery Barn, it’s because I want some new towels for my guest bathroom and I was hunting for a discount code. In the case of Chubbies, it’s because I heard from a co-worker that their emails were hilarious, and I wanted to see them for myself.

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  6324 Hits

5 Things to think about when choosing your next ESP

5 Things to think about when choosing your next ESP

Having been on both the brand and vendor side – and having been part of multiple decisions to evaluate and/or change ESPs (hint – it’s not as hard as your current vendor makes it seem…nor as easy as your new vendor claims), I’m surprised by how many mismatches between client and vendor still happen. It’s the biggest reason for account churn – bad fit between the client and vendor.

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  5128 Hits

LiveIntentional Weekly: How to be the ‘Jon Snow’ of Marketers

LiveIntentional Weekly: How to be the ‘Jon Snow’ of Marketers

The Relevancy Group’s “State of Identity Management Report” recently revealed that when it comes to driving actual revenue, deterministic data pays like a Lannister.

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  2907 Hits

Derek Harding: Brexit and Email Marketing

Derek Harding: Brexit and Email Marketing

The UK’s vote to leave the European Union, aka Brexit, came as a shock to many, including a good number who voted for it. In the aftermath many are wondering both what happens now and what the impact will be.

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  7004 Hits

LiveIntentional Weekly: Why Microsoft Thinks LinkedIn is Worth $26.3B

LiveIntentional Weekly: Why Microsoft Thinks LinkedIn is Worth

In a story we’re breaking just now, Microsoft has acquired B2B social platform LinkedIn for the mind-numbing sum of $26.2 billion dollars.

Just to put that in perspective, with 26.2 billion dollars, you could buy the Chicago Cubs…. 26 times. That’s about 2.7 trillion years of losing.

That’s why this week, Only Influencer’s partner LiveIntent is taking a look at what it is about LinkedIn that Microsoft thinks is worth all those dolla-dolla-bills, y’all.

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  3146 Hits

How Machine Learning Takes Email Marketing to New Heights

How Machine Learning Takes Email Marketing to New Heights

The possibilities and potential for machine learning never fail to amaze me, whether they could make my personal life easier (now my kitchen appliances can talk to each other, but do I want to know what they're saying about me?) or open up new vistas for email marketers.

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  12805 Hits

The Latest Email Innovations: June Edition

Every Friday the Only Influencers membership gets to pitch the OI community on their latest innovations and services. Here is a roundup of some of the latest tools, services, and innovations coming out of the email industry.

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  5487 Hits

How to Orchestrate Across Channels & Devices to Acquire New Customers Today.

How to Orchestrate Across Channels & Devices to Acquire New Customers Today.

Download the Bridge Marketing Email Innovations Summit Presentation

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  3472 Hits

LiveIntentional Weekly: The Value of Viewability

LiveIntentional Weekly: The Value of Viewability

Viewability ­ or the ability of an ad to actually be seen by a human being has become the critical metric for media buyers and marketing executives alike. There are a number of advertisers and agencies that have publicly stated that they will not pay for any impression that is not 100% viewable.

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  3002 Hits

Internet Retailer Retention Survey

Download the 2016 Internet Retailer Retention Survey, sponsored by Windsor Circle

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  3651 Hits

Email trends & innovations we should talk about

Email trends & innovations we should talk about

There were great minds, quality content, and inspiring discussions at the Email Innovations Summit in Las Vegas (May 17–19, 2016). Big kudos to Bill McCloskey and the Only Influencers community for creating a new space where trends, challenges, and opportunities in the email marketing world can openly be discussed.

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  9831 Hits

LiveIntentional Weekly: Why Forrester Thinks Social Buy Now Buttons May Be the ‘New Coke’ of Mobile Commerce

LiveIntentional Weekly: Why Forrester Thinks Social Buy Now Buttons
May Be the ‘New Coke’ of Mobile Commerce

Social “Buy Now” buttons were supposed to be a game-changer, eliminating the friction from purchasing on mobile and providing retailers a way to tap into a mobile-first audience that’s expanding exponentially.

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  2907 Hits

LiveIntentional Weekly: Understanding the FTC's Native Advertising Guidelines

LiveIntentional Weekly: Understanding the FTC's Native Advertising

The FTC's Native Advertising guidelines are here, and according to a new report from Mediaradar, if the Federal Trade Commission decided to audit publishers' native ads today, around 70% of websites wouldn't be compliant.

That's why this week, Only Influencer's partner LiveIntent is explaining how to make sure your Native Ads aren't Naughty by Nature. You down with the FTC? Yeah, you know me.

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  2920 Hits

Measuring Success

Measuring Success

I love when a marketer asks, "how should we measure this?"

Sometimes we get so caught up in opens, clicks, visitors, impressions, and all the other easy-to-get metrics that we forget what we wanted to accomplish in the first place. This is why it is so important to set up a formal approach to measurement before your marketing campaign launches. Yet a lot of marketers don't know where to start.

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  6044 Hits