Is Marketing Ready For RCS?


The noise surrounding AI has drowned out darn near everything for a year, but there are market shifts not AI worth some attention. This post covers one that could have as much impact on email-marketing teams (and vendors) in the short term: Apple and RCS. First, a quick primer on RCS...

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  1395 Hits

Where’s That Tab? ADHD and Working in Email with Tips on How to Leverage Your Strengths


While at an industry event, a group of us found ourselves bonding over a common thread: ADHD – or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. We spent a few minutes groaning about our struggles. But then we turned our conversation towards the benefits our shared experience brings us in our professional lives. Email...

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  1843 Hits

Advanced Strategies for Personalizing Email Marketing: From Proven Tactics to Future Trends


Introduction The digital age is fuelled by personalization. The more aligned an experience is with an individual’s preferences, the more likely they are to engage and convert. And nowhere is this more relevant than in email marketing. Let's deep dive into advanced strategies, innovations, and what the future holds for personalized...

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  1055 Hits

The DNS Oversight


With the Yahoo-Gmail requirements rolling out, I’m getting a lot more requests to help senders get setup and prepared for the new normal. And although there are MANY ”Yahoogle” webinars, many more questions still remain. The sheer volume of questions, even if they are repetitive, and blog posts, webinars, and Q&As...

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  1344 Hits

3 Key Takeaways from the Top 1000/Top 100 E-Tailer ESPs market share.


Last month Only Influencers hosted a webinar presenting new research from Publicare Marketing Communications GmbH on the most popular ESPs for U.S. E-retailers. Jeanne Jennings moderated, with Marion Krohn and Rober Harnischmacher from Publicare presenting their findings; I was there too, to discuss the findings. You can watch the full 1-hour...

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  1476 Hits

Can AI win based on the metric of time?


    I had some high hopes when I started using AI a year ago. I believed using AI tools would save me timeenhance email performanceproduce superior email copy. I wrote about assumptions #2 &  #3 in AI For The Win. Even after proving that AI didn’t always produce superior email...

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  1476 Hits

The Nigerian prince, the (fake) future, and the King


The DMA Consumer Email Tracker 2023 report states that email remains the preferred and trusted channel and the top choice for one-on-one communication. According to consumers, email surpasses all other marketing channels in terms of its effectiveness in various customer journey stages. This includes pre-purchase activities like receiving discounts, offers, product...

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  1259 Hits

Want better email results? Invest more and demand more


We email marketers can argue about everything, from acquisition to frequency, AI to organic content, and even what to call the emails we send. (I will go on record now and forever to maintain that we must never, ever, call email campaigns "blasts.") But one thing we can all agree on...

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  1679 Hits

Beyond Blah: Crafting exceptional emails your audience can't ignore


How many emails do you see (and maybe even create) that are “OK”? It’s not enough anymore. This guide equips you with five ways to transform your campaigns from forgettable to phenomenal. Master planning, storytelling, killer content, tech and channel integration. Rise above the inbox noise, crafting emails that captivate, build...

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  1603 Hits

Make 2024 the year you let strategy lead your planning


I made a big mistake at the start of the year. I began planning for my company’s year by asking myself, "What do I need to do this year?" You might think that's a normal question, but it’s really a muscle memory from the crazy days of 2020, early in the...

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  1622 Hits

Email Frequency: How Many Is Too Many?


Whether you are a double opt-in, only send email to people who have engaged with your email in the last 2 weeks person or a spammer, one fundamental truth stands out: the frequency of your email campaigns drives every aspect of your email metrics. From opens and clicks to sales and,...

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  2539 Hits

From Subscription to Success: The Rise of Email Newsletters as Digital Goldmines


In a digital world teeming with information overload, a phoenix rises from the ashes of traditional content: the email newsletter. This once modest player in the digital realm has undergone a spectacular transformation, emerging as a potential standalone business powerhouse and a lucrative revenue stream for existing online brands. The Power...

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  1470 Hits

Most Popular OI Blog Posts: 2023 Edition (Part 2 of 2)


I’m back with the rest of our top 10 Only Influencers (OI) blog posts of 2023! If you missed it, check out my previous post with the top 11 to 20 posts of 2023. Revisit the posts you liked, check out the ones you missed, and be sure to join us...

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  1373 Hits

Most Popular OI Blog Posts: 2023 Edition (Part 1 of 2)


We had so many GREAT blog posts this year that I decided instead of recognizing just the top 10, we would recognize the top 20! We are unique in that we publish perspectives from all segments of the industry: Recognized industry experts as well as those new to the industry Brand-side...

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  1430 Hits

New Year’s Resolutions for Email Marketers


It’s that time of year again, time for a slew of articles either forecasting what will happen in the email marketing industry during 2024 or focused on New Year’s resolutions marketers should have on their lists. Far be it from me to swim against the current over the holidays, so here’s...

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  1145 Hits

GenAI: From junior to a senior copywriter


The buzz around Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) shows no signs of waning. On the contrary, enthusiasm and interest around GenAI are rapidly growing as it continues to revolutionize various industries with innovative applications. When GenAI first emerged, it was met with significant skepticism regarding its potential. However, the advent of ChatGPT...

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  1782 Hits

Accessibility vs. Inclusive Design: 2 Approaches with Similar Goals


In my nearly two decades in the email marketing industry, I’ve never seen a topic get people more twisted up than accessibility and inclusive design. Because these issues involve people with a range of permanent challenges, it raises all kinds of social, moral, legal, and personal sensitivities. I’ll confess that I...

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  3045 Hits

How to find your way back? Again!


Let me be candid with you Influencers. Sometimes, we screw up! Actually, more often than we’d like, and more often than we realize. Not always of our own doing, mind you. Often circumstances beyond our control gently nudge us in the wrong direction, away from the straight and oh-so-narrow path to...

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  903 Hits

How (& Why) We Created Standards for Trigger-Based Sequences


The term “triggered emails” stands for messages that are sent automatically as a response to an action or event related to the user. Here are just a few examples of triggered emails (in case you forgot what they are): welcome emails sent after users sign up to a platform or subscribe...

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  1427 Hits

Email Marketing Trends to Watch: Emerging trends and technologies that are shaping the future of email marketing


The Evolution and Future of Email Marketing In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, one constant has been the power and resilience of email marketing. While the advent of email dates back to the '70s, it wasn't until the early '90s that companies began to recognize its potential for business communications....

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  1614 Hits