How to improve as an email marketer: 5 Lessons learned from 20 years in email marketing


I’ve realised that as I write this, I’ve just hit 20 years in Email Marketing. Back in August 2002 I started my first job as Marketing Executive for a company that sold computers, printers, and peripherals to government and corporates. This is where, as a fresh-faced (and thinner) graduate I discovered...

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  1669 Hits

NFT are just like Email


Many of you have been seeing the buzz about NFTs. That buzz has crept into the world of digital marketing. Unfortunately, the buzz is disconnected from awareness and understanding. Most people reject what they don’t know (me included). A six months deep-dive convinced me that the future of digital marketing includes...

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  2369 Hits

How to Make Your Email Marketing Content Relevant


I choose data, analytics, and research before emotion and personal preference to influence my website and or email content. We each have unique talents that we bring to the market whether as a team member and employee, or entrepreneur.  Sometimes I’ve found I’m too close to a topic to have an...

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  2096 Hits

Conversations, not just communications – keeping your subscribers interested over time.


Great conversation is one of the joys of life. It entertains, informs, and engages. What lessons can we learn from breaking down the art of good chat. And how can we use this to develop our planning and content approach. Developing our emails from simply communications to conversations. Don’t talk at...

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  2047 Hits

ESPs and CDPs Have Collided. Get Ready for ESCDPs!


I wrote the following back in June of 2020: …let’s take a look at what a CDP is supposed to do. 1. Data Aggregation : Organize all customer data and keep it available for immediate use. Some technical resources are required to set up and maintain the CDP, but they don’t...

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  4708 Hits

Four steps to get data into your ESP so you can send better email


As third-party cookies are scheduled to disappear, it is becoming more important to collect zero-party and first-party data to improve automation and personalization in your campaigns. Your ESP can be the best place to gather this first-hand data, as I explained in an earlier OI post (Zero/First Party Data and your...

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  2344 Hits

An open mind is one of your most important data tools


The Holistic team and I discovered something unexpected recently while analyzing activity in a client's customer database. This surprising information shed new light on how we segment customers and how we message them based on what our data is telling us. Although our program is still a work in progress, I'm...

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  1908 Hits

Stop boring your customers with irrelevant content. Give them what they want!


We all know that consumers expect and demand a more personalized customer experience. They want emails that are relevant to their interests, needs and aspirations. The challenge is that the data required to personalize is often missing or incomplete. So, what can we do to backfill missing data to make our...

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  2283 Hits

A Look at How Email Opt-out Activity Changed in 2020-21


As we approach the halfway point of 2022, we’re now a bit over 2 years since Covid was declared a pandemic (March 11, 2020). At that point, it's safe to say that marketers had little to no idea how dramatically our businesses and marketing programs would be impacted. Now, with 2...

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  2504 Hits

Six tips for email design best practice


Delivering an exceptional customer experience is what we email geeks are striving for. We want to surprise and delight, under promise and over deliver. We want our subscribers to be hooked, coming back for more and waiting for our following email to land in their inboxes. Newsflash, unfortunately, your subscribers won't...

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  1900 Hits

Stop Using These Email Marketing Techniques in 2022 


  Are there any email marketing techniques you’ve gotten tired of? I’ve gathered several examples of the most common mistakes and outdated strategies that some marketers are still stuck with in 2022. Disclaimer: There’s no universal recipe for a perfect email marketing strategy. However, you can use the tips from this...

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  2223 Hits

Mid-year checkup: My 3 words for 2022


I'm not big on making predictions for year-end or new-year stories. The email industry can be unpredictable, as we saw in 2020 when COVID-19 brought email back to well-deserved glory. But I do like the approach Chris Brogan takes every January. He sums up his intentions for the new year with...

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  2089 Hits

Rube Goldberg's CSV


At some invisible horizon-line future moment, marketing systems and practices of today will look as quaint, convoluted, and fragile as the mechanical systems immortalized by Rube Goldberg do to us. Goldberg’s whimsical machines — and more than a few real-world machines — amuse because they expend so much design and effort...

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  1857 Hits

What's Wrong with Email Marketing?


As powerful and unique as email marketing is, it’s far from perfect. If you want to grasp some of its imperfections, just look at what the inbox and mailbox providers have been doing. The features they’re pushing will give you a sense of what they feel is wrong with the channel....

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  4739 Hits

What do we mean by personalisation in email marketing?


According to Bluecore, 57% of brands number one email priority is email personalisation, which is unsurprising considering personalised emails can generate 6-times the transaction rates compared to ‘batch and blast’ (Source: Experian). With the demand for personalisation from email marketers being so high, it’s inevitable that every technological solution under the...

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  1986 Hits

Ask the OI Experts: What role do you see SMS and email marketing playing in a customer's journey


If you happen to come across one of our Webbula posts on LinkedIn or Twitter, or stumble across the Webbula blog, you will find one of our most common series called, “Ask the Experts.” Webbula launched this series in 2021 to share the voices of email experts on various topics within...

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  3117 Hits

Should You Build Your Own ESP?


The decision of whether to build your own email solution or outsource to a vendor can have serious consequences for the future of your email marketing. It’s not a decision to be made hastily before giving it some serious thought. Reading the rest of this post is a great place to...

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  3761 Hits

Out of ideas? Here are 5 super simple recommendations to develop your emails


Over time it gets tougher and tougher to come up with those new ideas that will keep your email campaigns on an upwards performance. You’re not alone. And as someone clearly open to keeping well read and informed, here’s some help, just for you (ish). One of the toughest tasks for...

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  2050 Hits

Email for the Win


Time to rise up! Let’s look at email marketing with the backdrop of a cookie-less world with the demise of third-party cookies. This past week I was on a Zoom call with a fellow marketer asking for some marketing strategy advice.  No sooner did the words email marketing leave my mouth...

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  2259 Hits

Zero/First Party Data and your ESP - an opportunity for email marketers


We email marketers are in a great position to deal with the data challenges posed by new data-privacy laws and the impending loss of third-party tracking cookies. That's because we often have access to the most valuable kinds of data, most commonly referred to as first-party data and, increasingly, zero-party data....

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  2173 Hits