Four Truths for 2024 #1 - The Google Gauntlet and the Rise of Value Let’s talk about Google's HCU and manual penalties. It feels like every other day, there’s a new hoop to jump through. But here's the twist: This isn't about dodging penalties; it's about embracing the core of what...
In the world of digital marketing, one question often arises: “Does the length of email content affect conversion rates?” This question was recently posed to me by an email copywriter seeking advice about the relationship between content length, information density, and conversion rates, so I thought I would use this blog...
During our OI-members-only live discussion last week we ended up on a familiar topic: resends. But the discussion took a twist which has me rethinking my personal stance on them – and how I’ll recommend my clients handle them. I wanted to share it here because this may impact your thinking...
There has been a lot of interest and discussion in the OI-verse about the value of newsletters as an email communication channel. Advantages range from relationship-building to providing more in-depth and relevant content. In parallel, there has also been a lot of discussion on the importance of first-party data in a...
Back in 2021, I wrote an article for Only Influencers sharing data from OPTIZMO’s annual Email Opt-Out Infographic. That infographic covered data from 2018-2020, so it culminated with a look at how a year of the COVID-19 pandemic influenced email opt-out behavior. (Is it just me or is it hard to...
Generative AI today is quite a big trend that is rapidly gaining momentum and finding its place in the work processes of email marketers. Statistics confirm this, since: 43% of respondents rely heavily on GenAI in email creation processes 49% of email marketers believe GenAI helps them make their emails more...
Given that every email takes electricity to send and store, how can email marketers lower their carbon footprint? That was the central question behind “Green Your Emails,” the keynote presentation by Zillow’s Alice Li at Litmus Live last fall. Despite the increasing number of headlines about climate change and extreme weather,...
I’ll admit it. I’m a skeptic by nature. It’s not that I don’t like innovation; it’s that I try, at all costs, to avoid ‘bright shiny object’ syndrome. I’ve been playing with AI (some of you may have attended the webinar Tamara Gielen and I did last month on using AI...
In the world of digital marketing, we're always on the lookout for the next big thing that'll improve our engagement and grow our lists. That's where the idea of gamifying sign-up forms caught my eye. It sounded like a game-changer—literally. The plan? Make signing up as fun as playing a game,...
The importance of setting a first impression Setting first impressions in email marketing begins with the first email a subscriber receives after entering their email address in your signup form. That newly excited subscriber eager to receive your organisation's emails has expressed an interest; they want to learn more. So, how...
As marketers we tend to overthink how our customers feel, and how they interact with the marketing emails we send them. We obsess about what goes into the messages and the schedule, order and cadence of messaging. We’ve designed the campaigns so customers will rationally follow our lovely call-to-action as their...
Want to make the right choice? Run a test. A series of tests will be even better (for validation). Some of the large companies we work with require testing several hypotheses in a single email campaign. To make the necessary changes fast, we needed a convenient way to work with the...
The noise surrounding AI has drowned out darn near everything for a year, but there are market shifts not AI worth some attention. This post covers one that could have as much impact on email-marketing teams (and vendors) in the short term: Apple and RCS. First, a quick primer on RCS...
While at an industry event, a group of us found ourselves bonding over a common thread: ADHD – or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. We spent a few minutes groaning about our struggles. But then we turned our conversation towards the benefits our shared experience brings us in our professional lives. Email...
Introduction The digital age is fuelled by personalization. The more aligned an experience is with an individual’s preferences, the more likely they are to engage and convert. And nowhere is this more relevant than in email marketing. Let's deep dive into advanced strategies, innovations, and what the future holds for personalized...
With the Yahoo-Gmail requirements rolling out, I’m getting a lot more requests to help senders get setup and prepared for the new normal. And although there are MANY ”Yahoogle” webinars, many more questions still remain. The sheer volume of questions, even if they are repetitive, and blog posts, webinars, and Q&As...
Last month Only Influencers hosted a webinar presenting new research from Publicare Marketing Communications GmbH on the most popular ESPs for U.S. E-retailers. Jeanne Jennings moderated, with Marion Krohn and Rober Harnischmacher from Publicare presenting their findings; I was there too, to discuss the findings. You can watch the full 1-hour...
I had some high hopes when I started using AI a year ago. I believed using AI tools would save me timeenhance email performanceproduce superior email copy. I wrote about assumptions #2 & #3 in AI For The Win. Even after proving that AI didn’t always produce superior email...
The DMA Consumer Email Tracker 2023 report states that email remains the preferred and trusted channel and the top choice for one-on-one communication. According to consumers, email surpasses all other marketing channels in terms of its effectiveness in various customer journey stages. This includes pre-purchase activities like receiving discounts, offers, product...
We email marketers can argue about everything, from acquisition to frequency, AI to organic content, and even what to call the emails we send. (I will go on record now and forever to maintain that we must never, ever, call email campaigns "blasts.") But one thing we can all agree on...